Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hello World!

 I am very excited to be able to do this. I always wanted to keep a weblog. Wait a minute! Do people still call it that? Anyways, time to get to the important stuff. I have always been writing, I kept a diary from the time I was in the nineth grade and all through high school and college. But since I am all grown up now I call it a journal. What are there differences between diaries and journals you might be asking? Well for one, I don't begin my entries with the ever so corny "Dear diary".

Well the reason for the blog is to record my upcoming trip to Minneapolis MN. I will be there for sixteen days and so I plan to make an entry for each day insha'Allah, and who knows where life takes me after that?  I might turn this little blog into a travel blog or maybe not. There will be entries though... you can be sure whatever I end up doing after this trip I will keep writing inshal'Allah! So keep reading

Here is something pretty to look at until my next post. Hope you enjoy!

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